Petty Cash Book

Subject: Business Studies


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to know the following.

·        Explain the meaning of petty cash book.

·        State the need for keeping a petty cash book.

·        Analyze items of expenditure and record them correctly in the petty cash book.

Week one Day one


As a business grows, the accounting system also grows. In this case, small payments that are best paid in cash instead of by cheque can become a problem. This chapter will discuss the petty cash book as a means of keeping money available for small payments.

Meaning of Petty Cash Book

Petty means small. An amount of cash kept on hand and used for making small payments is called petty cash.

A petty cash book is a ledger bound separately for recording all small payments made in cash out of an agreed sum of money. The main reason for using a petty cash book is to free the cash book from details of small payments.

The petty cash book is usually put in the care of a clerk called petty cashier. Payment made by the petty cashier is supported by a petty cash voucher showing the reason for the payment and the signature of the person receiving the money.

Need for keeping a Cash Book

A petty cash book is established by giving agreed sum of money to the petty cashier. The petty cash book is kept separate from all other cash, in a small box in the office safe. A business need to keep a petty cash book for two main reasons:

1. If small cash payments are made by senior officers, a lot of their time will be taken up. The time used up could have been used for more important jobs. If a petty cash book system is established, this job can be given to junior members of staff.

2. If all small payments are entered into the main cash book, it would mean that each of these items would have to be posted to the different ledgers. However, if a petty cash book is kept, the total of such expenses is the only thing that needs to be posted to the ledger either weekly, monthly or quarterly.





Systems of Petty Cash Book-Keeping

1. Open System

Under the open system, the petty cashier at first receives from the chief cashier a fixed amount of money for meeting petty expenses. As soon as the said amount is spent, the chief cashier again pays the required sum to the petty cashier.

2. Fixed Advance system

Under this system, the petty cashier receives from the chief cashier a fixed sum of money for a fixed period of time: for example, #40 000.00 per month.

 The chief cashier pays this #40 000 to the petty cashier every month irrespective of whether the petty cashier spends the total sum or not.



3.Imprest System

Imprest system is generally followed by most business concerned. This consists of a balance which is replenished at the end of a given period. The original amount given to the petty cashier is called an imprest.

There are three stages in the method of operating the imprest system. They are:

1. The chief cashier gives the petty cashier a sum of money, enough to cover a month or an agreed period: #60 000.00

2. During the agreed period, the petty cashier pays out for  small purchases: #43 300.00

Petty cash in hand at the end of agreed period: #16 700.00

3. At the end of the agreed period, the petty cashier receives a sum of money to bring the money back to the original sum: # 43 300.00

Money at beginning of new period #60 000.00

Analysis of Items of Expenditure

Expenditure means cost. There are four (4) main types of expenditures made under the petty cash system. They are:

1. Postage: This include stamps, parcels and facsimile (fax).

2. Stationary: This includes items such ballpoint pens, erasers and envelopes.

3. Travelling expenses: This includes airplane, railway, bus and taxi fares.

4. Miscellaneous expenses: This includes items such as repairs carried out on facilities, sugar, milk and tea/coffee for office use, telephone bills etc

These four (4) examples do not cover all the different types of expenditure that businesses operate under the petty cash system. Each business will have it's own way of identifying the type of expenditure that should go through the petty cash system.




Preparation of a Petty Cash Book

When the petty cashier is given an amount of money as imprest for an agreed period, the general cashier posts the amount on the credit side of the cash book (cash Column) while the petty cashier enters the same amount on the debit side of the petty cash book.

Worked examples

                                                                                                                                   # :  k

Sept. 1        General cashier gave an imprest to petty cashier                 20 000.00

                     Payments made out of petty cash during the

                     month of September are:.                                                             

Sept. 2         Bought postage stamps                                                                 100.00

                     Traveling expenses                                                                        5000.00                                                   

Sept. 3         Paid for stationery                                                                         1500.00                          

Sept. 4         Paid for printing                                                                                250.00

Sept. 5         Bought postage stamps                                                                    50.00

Sept. 14       Paid for bus fare.                                                                              450.00

Sept. 15       Paid for telegram.                                                                             200.00

             Bought stationery.                                                                          1200.00    

Sept. 16      Paid traveling expenses.                                                               3200.00

Sept. 28.     Paid O. Taiwo.                                                                                 2500.00    

The items of expenditure for this example can be grouped into the following:  Postage and Telegrams, Traveling expenses, stationery and printing, and personal accounts. Let us now post them to the petty cash book.

This is what happened with the transactions column by column:

1.   The amount received column records the #20 000.00 on the debit side.

2.   The cash book folio shows that the amount given has been recorded in the cash book.

3.   The date column shows when each expenditure was made.

4.   The particulars column shows the details of each expenditure.

5.   The voucher number shows the source of each expenditure.

6.   The total column shows every expenditure made to give a final grand total.

7.   Postage and Telegrams column stands for all expenditure made under it.

8.   Traveling expenses column records all expenditures made under it.



9.    Stationery and printing column also records all expenditure made under it.

10.       Personal account column is for payment made directly to an individual.

11.       The amount spent out of the #20 000.00 is #14 450. 00,leaving a balance of#5 550.00. This means that on Oct. 1, the petty cashier will receive the amount of #14 450.00, to be added to #5 550.00 to make up the original amount of #20 000.00

12.       GL4, GL8 and GL10 mean that these sub-totals should be posted to General Ledger 4, 8 and 10


























Summary: A petty cash book is used to record all small payments made in cash out of an agreed sum of money. There are reasons for keeping a petty cash book. The imprest system is a cash balance which is replenished at the end of a period and there are procedures for preparing petty cash book.

Exercise 1

1.   Petty means .....................

2.   Expenditure means ................

3.   If you are a business owner, which of the system of petty cash book-keeping will you adopt for your organization and why?

4.   Define Petty cash book.

5.   Give three (3) examples of expenditures under the travelling expenses

6.   Give four (4)  examples of expenditures under the miscellaneous expenses.








Exercise 2

Rule a suitable petty cash book using separate column for postages, carriage and stationery. Balance the book as at 16 December.

Dec.        5   Balance at hand.                                  10 000.00

                     Paid for postage stamps.                           50.00

                8   paid for stationery.                                    750.00

                9   paid for carriage.                                        200.00

              10   paid for postage stamp                            100.00

              12.  Paid for stationery.                                 1 200.00

               14  paid carriage.                                             100.00






Enter following in the petty cash book, using appropriate expenditure column headings. The book is kept in the imprest system. The amount of imprest is #40 000.00.

February 1.        Petty cash in hand.                                        1 200.00

                        Cash received to make up the imprest.                  38 800.00 

                4.    Paid railway fare.                                                     550.00

                5            paid bus fair fare.                                             1 300.00

                8.           Bought one (1) rim of paper.                            300.00

                               Paid carriage.                                                   250.00

                              Paid railway fares.                                             180.00

                               Bought envelopes.                                            250.00

          10                Paid for computer repairs.                                3 000.00

          12.               Paid office cleaner.                                           5 000.00

Balance the petty cash book as at 20 February bring down the balance.



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